
Fantom Code-2023
May 13, 2023

FantomCode’23, The 24-hr National Level Hackathon conducted by the Information and Science Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management turned out to be the greatest mind of our country coming together to showcase new and innovative ideas for this year’s theme–”OPEN INNOVATION”. The first round was held on 13th May 2023, it was held
online with 80+ teams competing with each other. Based on our experience and industry related jury, the team of fantom code shortlisted 20 teams that made it to the second round. The second round of the competition was held offline in the campus dated 18th May 2023. The qualifying teams were from different parts of not only the state, Karnataka but also across the country. The D-Day i.e. 18th May 2023 started with providing the participants with their respective id cards and making them seated in our Auditorium to begin the Inaugural Ceremony.

Fantom Code-2023 Report