About the programme
The Department is approved by the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) and is permanently affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University (VTU) Belgaum, Karnataka. Established in the year 2019, the department has experienced and well qualified faculty. Faculty members are actively involved in research activities and have many research publications in national and international journals and have participated in international & national conferences. Faculty members have also undertaken sponsored research projects.
In consonance with the rapidly evolving technology, specialized laboratories have been established with a view to strengthening research and development. Equipped with state-of-art equipment and instruments, these assist students in learning various concepts through practical experience. Faculty have research domains in Image/ Video Processing, VLSI Design, Embedded systems, Wireless Communication and sensor networks, Power Electronics, Nano science Technology, Artificial Intelligence and Photonics. Dept also has established MoU with many companies to provide training, internship and industrial exposure to students.
- Course: Electronics and Communication
- Years: 4
- Semesters: 8
- Credits: 160
- Eligibility: PUC or an equivalent with a minimum 45% overall grade and 60% subject-wise grade in physics, chemistry, and mathematics
Students with a diploma degree can enter III semester of the programme.
- Semesters: 6
- Duration: 3 Years
- Eligibility: Students must earn 120 credits to qualify for the degree
- Promote innovative learning methodologies pertaining to the discipline
- Adapt an Outcome-based Education (OBE) model, ensuring greater focus on achieving relevant skills
- Encourage students to participate in a wide range of extracurricular activities
- Model students into global citizens while giving them a local perspective of the discipline
- Provide access to industry links for internships and employment opportunities
- Encourage the spirit of entrepreneurship among students
- Drive research and innovation in the field with state-of-the-art research facilities
- Create an environment that promotes students’ holistic development
- Collaborate with industry leaders and experts to help students gain a practical understanding of the discipline
Vertical Progression
There shall be no restriction for promotion from odd semester to the even semester, provided the student fulfills the attendance requirement.
A. Vertical progression in case of students admitted to the first year:
A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the first academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the first two semesters of the programme shall be eligible to move to II year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the second academic year and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in four semesters ( I and II years) shall be eligible to move to III year
- A student with CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the third academic year, and has earned all the prescribed credits of I year, and has no ‘F’ grade or has not more than four ‘F’ grades in the four semesters of II and III years shall be eligible to move to IV year
B. A student shall also be eligible for the first time, with a warning to move to higher odd semester, if he/she has failed to secure a minimum CGPA = 5.00 at the end of any academic year
C. For the award of degree, a CGPA ≥ 5.00 at the end of the programme shall be mandatory

Areas of Interest: Biomedical Signal and Image Processing
Experience: 26 years
Date of joining: 03/07/2024
Email ID: Nagashettappab.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
With my experience as the youngest Principal of a reputed Engineering College in Kalyan Karnataka Region and also as a youngest Administrator of a 61-year-old educational society with 19 plus institutions under its umbrella, and also Director of University Academic Administration of two skill universities and a small period as Vice Chancellor, I shall work to take the institute reach next level of imparting quality technical education using innovative teaching learning practices through a flexible system, encouraging and motivating team work, adhering to professional ethics, resulting in production of highly competent human resources meeting industrial standards, and contributing to the overall development of the society. I will put to use the 25 years’ experience as an academician in developing innovative teaching learning process and igniting research mind set among students by embedding the disciplined research culture acquired during 4 years regular study at Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, guiding 9 scholars to pursue research for award of doctoral degree and implementation of research projects worth 86.5 lakhs sanctioned by various funding agencies. Efforts will be made to develop the entrepreneurial spirit by using the knowledge acquired in starting a startup M/s V3MNS Smartech Solutions Pvt. Ltd. Bhalki for development of software for assessment of valvular abnormality. The next level in the growth of the institute is autonomy which will be aided by experience as Academic Senate Member of the university, Chairman, Board of Studies, Institutional NAAC and Departmental NBA coordinator, senior Principal, Vice Chairman, IETE and other responsibilities shouldered successfully.
More Details

Areas of Interest: Image Processing, Digital Systems Design & VLSI
Experience: 30 years
Date of joining: 22/7/2024
Email ID: viceprincipal.rvitm@rvei.edu.in, hodece.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
With total 30 years of teaching experience, I have discharged my duties as Head of the Department for 17 years and Dean (Student-Affairs) for one year. I established the department from Strategic Plan till implementation. In my tenure as Head of the department in previous institution, the department/institution accomplished NBA for two cycles and NAAC with A+ grade. I am also involved in various bodies of VTU and other universities like Member-BOE,Member-BOS, Member-LIC committee(VTU). I am member in various professional bodies like IEEE, IETE, ISTE, & SID. I have authored two indian patents which are published & 24 research publications, out of which 11 are international Journals (Q1: 01, Q2:04, Scopus indexed: 04), 07 are international conferences, and 06 are National conferences. I have convened two IEEE international conferences and four National Conferences. I am reviewer of IEEE conferences and IEE journals. With the experience acquired, I would be confident energetic leader with focus on success for students, mindful of all stake holders & continual focus on best practices with strong listening & communication skills.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-manjunatha-prasad-r?usp=sharing

Areas of expertise: Pattern Recognition, Biometrics, Image/Video Analytics
Teaching experience: 23 Years Teaching and 10 Years Research
Research experience: 01 years
Date of joining: 1st September 2020
Email ID: prashantpp.rvitm@rvei.edu.in / prashantgemini73@gmail.com
About Faculty
Prof. Prashant P Patavardhan, is presently working as Professor and Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at RV Institute of Technology and Management, Bengaluru since 1st September 2020. Prior to RVITM, Dr. Prashant, worked as Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department, School of Engineering, Dayananda Sagar University, Innovation Campus, Bengaluru. He completed B. E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Karnataka University, Dharwad in 1995, M. Tech. in Digital Electronics and Communication Systems from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi in 2001 and Ph. D. from Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi in 2011. He was topper at M.Tech. to the Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi. Dr. Prashant was a Co-Principal Investigator for the research on Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic for Pattern Recognition funded by All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), New Delhi under Research Promotion Scheme(RPS) in 2007. He was Principal Coordinator for AICTE funded Two Week Faculty Development Programme(FDP) 2017 on Emerging Trends of Geoinformatics in Agriculture and Two day Seminar(SG) 2017 on Data Analytics in Education Management System. He has 20 years of academic and administrative experience. He was responsible for guiding, preparing, and maintaining documents required for National Board of Accreditation, National Assessment and Accreditation Council, and Visvesvaraya Technological University’s Permanent Affiliation for Autonomy Inspection during his tenure as Head of the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, at KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi and along with his responsible and hardworking colleagues. Dr. Prashant involved in preparing Scheme and Syllabus for Autonomous status of KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi. He was Chairman and Member of Board of Studies and Board of Examiners of Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, KLS Gogte Institute of Technology, Belagavi. He has served as Member of Board of Studies of Electronics and Communication Engineering at SDM College of Engineering and Technology, Dharwad during 2018-19. He has delivered Lectures at Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi’s E-Learning live transmission programme as Subject Matter Expert for Digital Signal Processing and Field Theory. Dr. Prashant was member of Board of Examiners of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi and Coordinated Practical Lab allotment, was member of Local Inspection Committee of Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi, and worked as member of Ph. D. Registration Committee, Special invitee for BOS -UG/PG.
He has delivered more 18 Technical Talks in the field of MATLAB, Signal/Image Processing, Texture Analysis, and Computer Networks for Faculty and other Government Officials and conducted 30 short-term/continuing education programmes. He has organized and conducted more than 12 faculty enhancement programme and technical workshops for faculty and students.
He has published his research findings and his research scholars research articles in 15 Book Chapters, more than 25 International Journal (IET/Scopus/peer reviewed…), and 29 International and 4 National Conferences.
Six Research scholars have registered for Ph.D. under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belagavi and 1 completed with Doctoral Degree and 2 research scholars have submitted the thesis to VTU for review. Dr. Prashant’s research interests include Biometrics, Signal/Image/Video Processing/Analysis, Artificial Neural Networks and Fuzzy Logic. He is Life Member of Indian Society for Technical Education.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-prashant-p-patavardhan/home

Areas of expertise: VLSI Design, Embedded Systems, Pattern Recognition/Image Processing, Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence.
Teaching experience: 20 Years of Research and Teaching
Date of joining: 1st September 2020
Email ID: natarajv.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I am Dr. Nataraj A. Vijapur, from Belagavi, Karnataka. I have completed B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Karnataka University. I pursued M.Tech in VLSI Design and Embedded Systems from Visvesvaraya Technological University. I have obtained Doctorate from Visvesvaraya Technological University. My methodological and theoretical research as well as a considerable portion of my applied work addresses the domain of Image Processing, Machine learning and VLSI Design. I am the Professional Member of ISTE and IFERP associations and an Editorial member and Reviewer for reputed International Journals. I have presented more than 38 Papers in reputed peer-reviewed International Journals and Conferences.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-nataraj-vijapur/home

Areas of expertise:Wireless Sensor Networks, Wireless Communication, IOT Teaching experience:Â 16 years
Research experience:Â 17 Year
Date of joining:Â 2nd November 2021
Email ID:Â madhumathyp.rvitm@rvei.edu.in / sakthi999@gmail.com
About Faculty
Dr. Madhumathy P joined the Electronics and Communication Engineering Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2021, where I am working as Associate Professor. I received my Ph.D. from the Anna University in 2015, Master of Engineering in Applied Electronics from Aarupadi Veedu Institute of Technology in 2009 (Gold Medalist), Bachelor of Engineering in Electronics and Communication engineering from Anna University in 2006.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/madhumathy-profile/home

Areas of expertise: Bio-medical Image and Signal Processing
Teaching experience: 12 Years of Teaching Experience
Date of joining: 01-09-2020
Email ID: chethanks.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Chethan K S is currently working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Electronics & Communication Engineering, R.V. Institute of Technology & Management, a unit of R.V. Educational Institutions, Bangalore. He completed his B.E. in the stream of Electronics and Communication Engineering graduated from SJCIT, Chickballapur (affiliated to VTU) in the year 2008, M. Tech in Digital Electronics & Communication Systems graduated from M.C.E. Hassan (affiliated to VTU), in the year 2010. Later in 2010 he started his career as Lecturer at Malnad College of Engineering, Hassan for a period of 1.5 Years. In the year 2012 he moved to Bangalore to pursue his career at P.E.S University (PESIT earlier), Bangalore as Assistant Professor in the department of ECE. He registered for Ph.D. programme in VTU (Part Time) and completed his Ph.D. in the year 2019 in the area of Bio-medical Signal Processing from VTU, Belgaum. He has served around 8.7 years in P.E.S. University and he has a total teaching experience of 12 years till date.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drchethanks/home

Areas of expertise: Analog circuits, wireless communication, Sensor and Actuators.
Experience: 1.1 Years Research,1.3 Years Industry, and 17.8 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 17/01/2022
Email ID: shalinishravan.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Shalini Shravan joined as an Asst.Prof in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engg, RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022.
I have completed B.E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Bangalore University and M.Tech in Electronics from BMS college of Engineering, VTU , obtained doctorate degree with the specialization in Wireless Communication from the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, VTU.
I have completed Hindi Praveen from Dakshina Bharath Prachar Sabha. Iam a life member in ISTE, editorial board member and reviewer of American Journal of Science, Engineering and Technology. I have published many papers in conferences, international and national journals. I have coordinated many projects for UG and PG students,National Conferences, workshops and FDPs.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-shalini-shravan/home

Area Of Expertise: Computer Communication Network, Network Security Information Theory and Coding, Analog Electronics Circuits Microcontroller, Basic Electronics, Microprocessor
Teaching Experience: 8.5 Years
Date of Joining: 01-10-2021
Email Id: kavithaprashanthn@gmail.com
About Faculty
Dr. Kavitha N, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust’s Rashtreeya Vidyalaya Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM), Bengaluru. She completed B. E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 2009, M. Tech. in Digital Communication and Networking from SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 2012 and completed Ph. D. from SJB Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 2022.
She has 10 years of academic experience. She was main coordinator for National Board of Accreditation and National Assessment and Accreditation Council, during her tenure as Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering, at Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology & Management, Bengaluru.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/dr-kavitha-n/home

Areas of expertise:Photonic Sensors, Underwater Communication, Wireless Communication, VLSI
Experience: 12 Years of Research and Teaching 1 year of Industry Experience
Date of joining: 13/01/2022
Email ID: hareeshkumar.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Hareesh Kumar, is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Rashtreeya Sikshana Samithi Trust’s Rashtreeya Vidyalaya Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM), Bengaluru. He completed B. E. in Electronics and Communication Engineering from PES College of Engineering, Bengaluru in 2008, M. Tech. in VLSI Design and Embedded system from PES Institute of Technology, Bengaluru in 2010 and completed Ph.D from Visveswaraya Technological University through Bangalore Institute of Technology ECE Research Centre, Bengaluru.
He also Completed MBA in HR, MA in Public Administration, DIM, PGDIM, PGDHRM in IGNOU, New Delhi.
He has Qualified in GATE – 2007 and received MHRD Scholarship From Government of India.
He worked as the founder faculty in the Department of Electronics and Communication, Dayananda Sagar Academy of Technology and Management, Bengaluru before joining RVITM. He has 11 years of academic experience and 7 years in research Experience and 01 Year industry Experience in CSIR-NAL, Bangalore.
HE has Published Several International Journals indexed with Web of Science, Scopus, SCI and UGC care list and also attended various international Conferences, workshops, AICTE Sponsored QIP FDPs Etc.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drhareeshkumar/home

Areas of expertise: Nanocomposites, Nanofabrication, Hydrogen Production
Experience: 5 Years Research and 1.5 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 03.10.2022
Email ID: vikashkumar.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Dr. Vikash Kumar has joined the Department of electronics and Communication Engineering, RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where he is working as an Assistant Professor. He received his Ph.D. from the Department of Nanoscience and Technology, Central University of Jharkhand in 2022. One of his Projects was selected under INUP program at CeNSE, IISc, Bangalore funded by Ministry of Education, GOI.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drvikashkumar/home

Areas of expertise: Artificial Intelligence, IoT, Power Electronics, Robotics, EV’s
Experience: 7 Years Research, 2 Years Teaching, 3 years Industrial
Date of joining: 03.10.2022
Email ID: venugopalbt.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I am alumni of SIT [BE – E&C], SSIT [ M.Tech. Computer Applications in Industrial Drives] and ex-faculty of CIT Tumkur. I was a research scholar at UVCE, Bangalore University and awarded Ph.D. degree on 11-03-2022. I have joined the Electronics and Communication Department of RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. I have worked on projects such as Applied Intelligent Control of Induction Motors using DSP, Multilevel Inverters and PWM techniques. My teaching abilities are commendable, proven by 85% positive feedback, I got in a consistent manner. I am a great team person, always helping my colleagues and contributing continuously and effectively in every activity, I participate. My deep driven desire to assist students to conceptualize complex topics sees me engaged in many roles. Alternating between roles of faculty and researcher, I can create enormous value addition for students, with activities that include innovative projects.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/drvenugopalbt/home

Areas of expertise: Solar cells, Robotics, Thin film Deposition and characterization, Sensors & Embedded systems
Experience: 6 Years Research and 1 Year Teaching
Date of joining: 03.01.2022
Email ID: nageshm.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Prof. Nagesh M is Working as Assistant Professor in Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RVITM. He is having 6 Years of Research Experience in multidisciplinary team research in the areas of Development and characterization of Thin film Electronic devices & Sensors, Piezoelectric Sensors, a-Si:H/c-Si Solar cells, Electrical Measurements, Silicon Wafer Surface Property modification and studies, skilled in statistical data analysis and Design of Experiments (DoE) for fabrication, Simulation of Thin film a-Si:H Solar Cells, C-Si Solar Cells, Multi junction Solar Cells and Electrode design and development for various Thin film Sensors and Solar cells.
Completed B.E in Electronics and Communication Engineering from BNM Institute of Technology in 2011 and M.Tech Specialization in Biomedical Signal Processing and Instrumentation at RV College of Engineering, Bangalore in 2014
Certified Course in Front end VLSI Design and Verification using System Verilog, VHDL.
Worked in TEQIP-CoE for Macro-Electronics projects, Seed Money Projects, DST, Govt. of India Funded 3 years HIT Solar cell Projects.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/prof-nagesh-m/home

Areas of expertise: Internet of Things, Wireless communication and Wireless Ad-hoc networks
Experience: 5.5 Years Research and 6 Years Teaching
Date of joining: 17.10.2022
Email ID: divyashreem.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
Mrs. Divyashree M joined Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, RV Institute of Technology and Management (RVITM) Bengaluru in 2022, where I am working as an Assistant Professor. Pursuing Ph.D. from the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, Govt. SKSJ Technological Institute, Bengaluru. Completed M.Tech in Digital Electronics & Communication Systems from VTU-RC, Mysuru in 2014 and B.E in Telecommunication Engineering from GSSSIETW, Mysuru in 2012.
More Details
Webpage: https://sites.google.com/rvei.edu.in/divyashreem/home

Areas of expertise: VLSI
Experience: 3 Years 6 months
Date of joining: 04.11.2024
Email ID: Niveditasd.rvitm@rvei.edu.in
About Faculty
I am Nivedita S. Desai with a robust background in the semiconductor industry, having contributed for 3.5 years to cutting-edge technological advancements. Currently designated as an Assistant Professor, leveraging my expertise to shape the next generation of engineers. My work bridges the gap between theoretical knowledge and practical application, inspiring students and fostering a dynamic learning environment.